The era value and prospect of bioeconomy

Since the beginning of the 21st century, especially since the epidemic of Neocoronal pneumonia continued to spread, global biotechnology has made rapid progress, the impact of major public health and security incidents has continued to escalate, all sectors of society have paid unprecedented attention to the bioeconomy, and the bioeconomy era has officially kicked off.

At present, more than 60 countries and regions around the world have issued strategic policies and plans related to biotechnology and bio industry, and more and more economies have incorporated the development of bioeconomy into the mainstream of national strategic policies. How to view the general trend of current global bioeconomy evolution? How to master the initiative of development in the era of bioeconomy?

General trend of global bioeconomy development

The era of bioeconomy has opened another epoch-making and far-reaching civilization stage after the era of agricultural economy, industrial economy and information economy, showing a completely new scene different from the era of information economy. The development of bioeconomy will profoundly affect the production and life of human society, cognitive style, energy security, national security and other aspects.

Trend 1: Bioeconomy outlines a beautiful blueprint for sustainable development of human society.

At present, the wave of biotechnology revolution has swept the world, and life science has gradually become the most active field of scientific research in the world after information science. In the past decade, the number of papers published in the field of biology and medicine in the world has approached half of the total number of natural science papers. Seven of the ten scientific breakthroughs published by Science magazine in 2021 are related to biotechnology. Among the top 100 global R&D enterprises, the biomedical industry accounts for nearly one third, ranking first.

In recent years, general life science technologies such as gene sequencing and gene editing have developed rapidly, and their development costs are falling at a rate exceeding Moore’s Law. Modern biotechnology has gradually entered thousands of households, driving the rapid development and growth of the biological industry, and a beautiful blueprint for the biological economy is in sight. In particular, modern biotechnology continues to infiltrate and apply in medicine, agriculture, chemical industry, materials, energy and other fields, providing new solutions for solving major challenges such as disease, environmental pollution, climate change, food security, energy crisis, and playing an important leading role in promoting sustainable economic and social development. With the accelerated application of emerging biotechnology such as regenerative medicine and cell therapy, human cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes, etc. will be overcome, effectively improving human health and prolonging human life expectancy. The accelerated integration of breeding technology with cross domain technologies such as whole genome selection, gene editing, high-throughput sequencing, and phenotype omics will effectively ensure food supply and improve the ecological environment. Biosynthesis, bio based materials and other technologies are widely used. Bio manufacturing products will gradually replace about one-third of petrochemical and coal chemical products in the next decade, creating better conditions for green production and ecological environment restoration.

Post time: Oct-10-2022

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